Film Experiments: A Roll of Film Soaked in Red Wine


If you're willing to spare some red wine for an awesome film experiment, then you'll find this tipster useful! The film soup that I propose is very simple to do. It only needs one fluid — as I mentioned — red wine. With this soup, you will get pictures like these:

Credits: simonesavo

You can see an explosive effect in some parts of the negative due to the concentration of alcohol in the wine. To get started, prepare the following materials:

  • Glass
  • Red wine
  • A roll of film that will serve as the guinea pig. For this experiment, I opted for Kodak Gold 100

As I said before, the experiment is very simple. Just take a glass, fill it with red wine, and soak the film. I suggest you let it rest for one night. Afterward, remove the film from the glass and let it dry.

There are two ways to dry your film. The simplest but also the longest is to leave the film to dry on its own. On average, it takes a couple of weeks. For a faster drying process, you would have to remove the film from the roll. In this case, the whole procedure must be carried out in complete darkness or else run the risk of burning the emulsion with light. Obviously, when you’re drying the film, it’s good to always do it in the dark. Afterward, rewind the film into the canister but leave a little piece of the leader out.

Here are some examples taken with the Pentax MX:

Credits: simonesavo

As you can see, the effect is very special. In almost every picture, there's that one part where it seems there's an effect similar to an explosion and a light purplish/bluish coat due to the wine.

Here are my other alcohol-based film soups, in case you missed them (all in Italian):

Experimenting with film is no fun if you don't have enough supply! Replenish your film stock by visiting our online shop or one of our worldwide gallery stores.

Scritto da simonesavo il 2015-01-08 in #gear #tutorials #tipster #translation #kodak-gold #red-wine #film-experiments #35mm-films #film-soup #film-soak
tradotto da Simone Savo

11 Commenti

  1. smolda
    smolda ·

    I love it! It looks like fireworks. :)

  2. swordsplay
    swordsplay ·

    cool effects. im trying this one. thank you

  3. alishamccarthy_
    alishamccarthy_ ·

    The effect is just so beautiful , what a wonderful result. i have to try this! thank you for sharing

  4. murdoc_niccals
    murdoc_niccals ·

    sorry, for me it looks more like a way to ruin a good roll of film and good glass of vine :)

  5. majoo
    majoo ·

    Question. Can this also work if you do it after the film is processed?

  6. cavallid
    cavallid ·

    In Italia non potevi far altro che un esperimento con del vino.
    Mi sa che ti copierò l'idea.

  7. minchi
    minchi ·

    @cavallid in realtà di film soup @simonesavo ne ha fatte tante, non solo col vino :D

  8. eternalfantasy
    eternalfantasy ·

    I'm going to try it, for sure :3

  9. shanti_rita
    shanti_rita ·

    the colours are sooo cool, I'm going to do this for sure! but I think it's not becuse of alcohol itself, 'cause C2H5OH flies away quickly, but because of colours added to the wine or grape juice or watever else... did you try to put non-processd film into pure spirit? if you do it on fresh watercolor it takes away paint and "bubbles" appear.

  10. jbossee
    jbossee ·

    Hey, I've never tried any of this, so I was wondering if you're supposed to do this before you develop the film or before you go out to take pictures? Is there a difference in the results?

  11. jjek18
    jjek18 ·

    still good photos ;)

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