I hope to meet up with you sooner rather than later....

My first Christmas without you...... I made you a Christmas card, printed it out, & put it inside of the unpainted (faux) mailbox (made out of paper mache) I got for you for some reason a few years before your angel date for some reason. It now serves its purpose. This photo was one of the last taken of you. Besides battling with schizoaffective disorder and what seems like constantly being in psychosis- losing you is the icing on life’s shitcake. Angels must be real, and you definitely must be mine, because it’s a miracle I’m still here & haven’t had a relapse on my DOC. That’s the only conclusion I can come up with. Idk why this caption about Analogue photographic processing, (c-41 to stay on the actual topic ha) has turned into a rant about horrid emotions & expressions but yeah. Most likely will delete this caption out of “emo.....ness” or whatnot. Or I’ll just tell myself that it’s just not appropriate for a website about a certain topic/hobby/medium. End rant. I love you, Kiba.

Altre foto di 35mm_marlena