

It all started with getting an Agfa Clack and an Adox Golf 63S from my father in law's attic. Then I dug out my old Pentax P30t and Voigtländer Vito C that my father had given me back in the nineties. Over the years I got myself a couple of "new" cameras I love: My favoutite cameras at the moment are a Pentax KX für 35mm film, a Kiev 88 CM for medium format (because I can't afford a Hasselblad) and for all the fun pictures a Kiev 30 subminiature camera. From time to time I also do lage format with old plate cameras. All of my picture as home developed and home digitized. Regrettably, b/w and color prints can't be shown online. By the way, I do 8 mm (and sometimes 16mm) too. My home developed movies can be found at
My profile pic is taken from the film "untitled [self destruct a]",

LomoHome of the day, Nov 26, 2020
Photo of the week (Germany), Apr 12, 2021

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