
  • #15813017

    condiviso da nihil28 il 2012-04-14

  • #15657585

    condiviso da jennson il 2012-03-25

    some lubis on a windy day

  • #15720451

    condiviso da earlybird il 2012-04-02

  • My Favorite Muse

    condiviso da twiggapleez il 2012-02-29

    I love taking pictures of this old oak tree, located in Alexander Park (formerly a cow pasture).

  • #13099652

    condiviso da novakmisi il 2011-04-19

    This is a doubles with myself. First layer is a full moon taken with a 500mm objective, a second layer is a farm house taken with a polar filter in a sunny day.

  • We Are All Made of Stars

    condiviso da marshall4480 il 2011-11-02

    These photos are the result from my latest project. I took two LCA+ film cameras and created a mask for each. One mask was of black stars and the other mask was the negative of the black stars. So what was black on one mask was clear on the other mask. I then shot a roll of film with one camera and then rewound the film to the beginning and loaded and shot it in the other camera with the other mask. This produced some pretty cool results. Thanks to Teressa, her Sis and Cameron for their assistance on my little project. Masks are going to be a lot of fun in the future.
