A bad thing happened at Externsteine with my Turquoise

Shooting this was really so so annoying! But not bcs of the film but what happened before. It all started when I finished a roll of EPT 160 and took out the film of the cam: there was no strip to fix it. And I was really wondering but I did not see it. The other day I a was on holidays and drove 40km to the location I wanted to take shots with the Turquoise. So the bad thing happened when I loaded the cam with the film. I closed the back and started to wind to pic #1. But suddenly it got all white in the tiny window. I was thinking WTF! But due to a problem with the rewind spool of my Lubitel I had to wind the roll to the end get it out and then rewind it by hand. When I took the film out of the cam there was the stripe of the EPT just in front of the tiny window. It must have been between the back and the film hold or whatever the plate is named. So rewinding was difficult bcs I had only 3 fabric bags with me. Gladfully they were all black. I put all bag together to have 3 layers of fabric but I already knew that this won't really work well. But what could I do? So I was pretty pissed rewinded the roll in the bags and tried hard to keep my arms together to not get light inside. It did not work that good as you can see. Leaks leaks leaks. Anyway I really like the results of the film meaning how the shots turned out (shot at ISO 100 setting).

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