Riding in Levis

A bike ride through Levis, before crossing the river to Quebec.

4 Commenti

  1. eddie_2k9
    eddie_2k9 ·

    Nice shot! Are those brighter stripes a mask?

  2. rater
    rater ·

    @eddie_2k9: Thanks! No, it is not a mask, the whiter bands are the zone of superposition of different frames, double exposed for the holgarama...

  3. domyblue
    domyblue ·

    Wow you have a super good sense of space ... I could never do a photo like this. In my hometown (Padova) because on the sidewalk is like pebbles often I stumbled and I thought it was their fault, but I'm unbalanced this is the truth :( This is a perfect Holgarama !!!

  4. fzjcxx
    fzjcxx ·

    感觉佳能550D相机不错,在蜂鸟看了很久,对比了一下价格,最终在【 gogoy.co.to 】看到佳能EOS 550D套机(含发票+佳能EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS镜头)+4G SD卡(金士顿超高速)+原装相机包+伟峰WT3170三脚架+清洁套装+遮光照=¥3400元,我说怎么那么便宜呢,就立马打电话过去咨询了一下,原来是在网上搞促销,招收会员希望通过这些会员帮他们在当地多多介绍客户。他们服务态度不错,我就订购了一台,效益还挺好的,我是沈阳鞍山的,没想到2天就给我寄到了。在这里帮他们支持一下,蜂鸟的摄友们可以去看看。真的很不错。

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