Which ISO setting should I use with the Belair Instant Back?

The ISO you set the Belair to will have a big impact on the Instant photos you shoot. In general, use the ND filter which comes with your Belair Instant Back for outdoor shooting situations and take out the ND filter for Indoor / Outdoor night shooting when using your Belair Instant Back. Of course, you can always explore different results when you experiment with your ISO and aperture settings, but for starters we have prepared this handy ISO Guide for you to help on which ISO to use in different conditions.

Please note: When you need to remove the ND filter, please be careful as the shutter blades of the Belair are very sensitive.


Outdoor Bright Sunlight:
Camera facing Sunlight / Sky
ISO 1600
Aperture f/16

Camera behind Sunlight / Sky
ISO 800 or 400
Aperture f/16

Outdoor Cloudy / In Shadow:
Camera facing Sunlight / Sky
ISO 400
Aperture f/16

Camera behind Sunlight / Sky
ISO 200
Aperture f/8

Both camera and object inside the shadow /
Want a brighter image in shadow
ISO 50 / 100
Aperture f/8

Extreme Outdoor Bright Sunlight
(Snow, Beach, Camera facing towards bright Sun) ISO 1600
Aperture f/16
Use 2 ND Filter


Indoor / Night Outdoor
Want a darker Image
ISO 200
Aperture f/16

Want a brighter image
ISO 200 / 100
Aperture f/8

Indoor with Flash
Such as using Diana Flash:
ISO 200
Aperture f/16

- If the image is too bright try using a color filter
- You can also use the La Sardina Flash which allows you to control different flash output for different condition


Double Exposure
ISO 1600
Aperture f/16

Indoor / Outdoor Night
Low light source
ISO 400
Aperture f/8

Indoor / Outdoor Night
ISO 400

Strong light Source
Aperture f/16

Multiple Exposure
Indoor / Outdoor Night
Low light source
ISO 800
Aperture f/8

Indoor / Outdoor Night
Strong light Source
ISO 800
Aperture f/16

Long-exposures for night shooting ISO dial set to “B”
Aperture f/8 or f/16 (depending on how long you want to expose for)

Want more tips on shooting with the Belair Instant Back – Read our full Ready to Shoot Guide!

Find out all our tips, tricks and advice on the Belair X 6-12.

scritto il 2014-01-09 in #belair #camera