

I changed my avatar because of PI (photographer identity) requirements.

I bought the Rollei 35AF - will I be charged for Pentax evsion?

All I ever get is older and around (K. Kristofferson)

One's expensiveness in spirit needn't be reflected by one's personal surroundings (Kay in Mindhunter)

Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)

Know–how is worthless unless guided by know–why and know–when. (Andreas Feininger)

It seems to me, that the advance of civilisation is nothing but an exercise in the limiting of privacy. (Isaac Asimov)

I believe in the interconnectedness of all things. (Dirk Gently)

I'm on the print exchange list, have a look here what that is…
and contact Marian (systemdevice) if you want to be included.
Photo of the day on 06/06/2019…

Wer Deutsch lesen kann sei auf meinen Kurzgeschichten-Blog hingewiesen/Those who read German my Blog with fictional short stories -

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