Lost prom.

В сентябре 2012 года я поехала с родителями за грибами в леса Подмосковья. Там я нашла эту фотопленку. Эта фотопленка была немного втоптана в землю. После легкого душа и сушки я отсканировала фотопленку. Вот что на ней оказалось. Автор неизвестен. Неизвестная камера...
Может постараться и найти этих мальчиков и девочек?

In September 2012 I went with my parents behind mushrooms in the forest near Moscow. There I found this film. This film was a bit trampled into the ground. After a light shower and drying, I scanned the film. That's what it was. Author unknown. Unknown camera ...Maybe try and find these boys and girls?

3 Commenti

  1. chourique
    chourique ·


  2. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    Very cool treasure. How old do you think the film is? I hope you can find the original owner. That would make a fantastic story.

  3. usha_berg
    usha_berg ·

    Hey @mafiosa!;)
    my lomo-friends and I looked at the film and see that the graduates on the ribbon was written in 2006. A sign at the school said that the school is located in Alanya - is the Northern Caucasus, Russia. I will try to continue the search :)

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