Test roll. I was looking for a replacement for my dead soviet Lomo LC-A (I had two of them, and both died the same way 🙄). While I have easier access to different cameras, I decided to try out Porst CM Auto 135 (same as Cosina CX-2). I was happy to find that it's way more reliable and well-built. But I became so annoyed at how comfortable and pleasant the shooting process was. Why? Because I was disappointed with the results. There are a lot of out-of-focus frames, although I never had such a problem with the same zone-focusing system in Lomo. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the lens itself or it's because of the wider apertures the camera chooses, especially with the low-speed film. The other thing I found disturbing is the weird soapiness of the out-of-focus objects, especially in the foreground. I can appreciate dreamy effects, but this is something different. As for now, I still love the results from my Lomo more (I can only say about soviet ones). While I can still buy it, I will, even If I ought to always carry a screwdriver in my pocket. Spoiler: the second roll will be much better. It makes me even more uncertain about this camera. P.S. It was my first roll of Kodak Ectar 100. I fell in love with its colder tones, but my eyes can't take the way it renders bricks and dry leaves.

Porst CM auto 135
Kodak Ektar 100
Porst CM Auto 135 ◦ mar '23 (test roll)
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